Chapter 7


      Lucy and Legendary Wizard attacked the Necromancer.

      Necromancer shoots some cursed magic, Lucy managed to deflect all of it with the inherited Golden Blade.

      "Not bad, you have some skills." said Necromancer, "guards! get them."

      The Dark Wizards appeared, Lucy reflected all shadow bullets back at them.

      "I wonder how did I get so much power?" said Lucy.

      "My blade gives you foresight," said Legendary Wizard, "we got to keep going."

      As Lucy and Legendary Wizard approach to the big room, Necromancer is waiting.

      "So, you made it." said the Necromancer, "be ready or be defeated." 

      Legendary Wizard start using inferno magic against the Necromancer, Necromancer took the beating.

      "I am not finished yet!" said the Necromancer as he cast a curse magic on Legendary Wizard.

      "Ahhh!" Legendary Wizard took the hit.

      "Nooo!" said Lucy.

      "So, are you ready to die?" said the Necromancer, "any last words?"

      "I am not afraid to die," said Legendary Wizard, "I shall make my sacrifice!"

      Legendary Wizard used his Inferno Overdrive as his last resort, the Necromancer was burned to death.

      "Master!" said Lucy as she ran to Legendary Wizard.

      "Lucy...I am proud" said Legendary Wizard.

      "Please stay with me." said Lucy.

      "I'm sorry Lucy, the is draining my life energy." said Legendary Wizard, "use the blade that I gave you to end the darkness."

      "I will master, I will do everything I can to end the darkness." said Lucy.

      "I...know you will...and I will...always be" said Legendary Wizard as he slowly falls to his death.

      Lucy left the building with tears.

      "Lucy!! You came back!" said Prince Light.

      Water Princess noticed Lucy is crying.

      "What happened?" said Water Princess.

      "Our trusted leader, he is gone!" said Lucy in tears.

      "Oh Lucy, I know you mean a lot to him." said Prince Light.

      "We all surely going to miss him." said Fire Mage.

      "He was a great leader, now it is lasted." said Lucy, "we have to move on and end the darkness."

      As our heroes prepare to depart to mainland to end the darkness once and for all as the adventure continues.

End of Episode 2
